Sunday, October 20, 2019

Border Patrol and it essays

Border Patrol and it essays To the south of San Diego lies the US- Mexico border, to some this may only be seen as a line dividing the two countries; however, on closer inspection this border is actually a gateway for economic loss, reduced security and countless other detriments to the US. The main problem is that U.S. citizens do not understand how much harm to our country arises when there is an influx of thousands unidentified people a day. For a proper understanding of why the border is at its current state it is crucial to see what has lead it up to this point. For decades, immigrants have come through the Mexican border to take advantage of higher wages and greater job availability. Before a more stringent border policy, immigrants would make the trek from southern and central America to work. Migrants were able to cross close to urban areas and avoid traveling long distances in remote areas. Because of the ease, immigrants would leave there homes to work on farms in areas like the San Joaquin valley and then return to there homes in the winter off season. This cycle was followed for many years until under the Clinton administration in the mid 1990s the border became an issue of concern Clintons people knew he couldn't win reelection with out California where anti-immigrant fever was spiking...Clinton proposed the hiring of 600 new border patrol agents in 1993. A year later, the administration rolled out a multibil lion-dollar border strategy that commenced, naturally enough, with Operation Gatekeeper in Southern California.(Moser). Despite the heightened security measures, the opportunities in the US and lack there off in Mexico were still driving masses into the country illegally. Not only did more come but less were leaving In the last 10 years, the rate of return to Mexico has fallen through the floor Says Douglas S. Massey, co director of the Mexican Migration Project at Princeton University. The ri...

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